About Me & This Stuff (New & Updated!)

So what the hell is all this?

I blog about whatever random crap pops into my head, or whatever else I can nick from anyone & get away with, usually from inside a dingy room in the West Midlands of England.

I destroy cushions. I herd frogs. I spot cows. I watch birds – badly. I garden – lazily. I take photos of it all. I sometimes have thoughts. I think I’m funny. I am probably alone in that opinion.

If you want to follow me on twitter I’m @JallieDaddy, where I post links, mainly to blogs,; & @DJ_Drolgerg, where I post mostly random tunes from my very well-endowed iPod via YouTube.

8 Comments to “About Me & This Stuff (New & Updated!)”

  1. fantastic reading, what i think just could never put it down..

    • Thanks. From your blog & your tweets you seem like an interesting guy, so if you do get to put some words together I’d like to read them.

  2. Dear Sir,

    I want to send you details of that fella on Twitter but dont really want to shame him in public. I think he would hunt me down and torture me with Pirhannas (he raises tropical fish). Can you email me so I can email you them?

    I’ve now finished three satsumas. I’ve disposed of the peelings and am about to drink some water. Hey, water – I’m mad me. Just bonkers

  3. knob

  4. you are a knob of the highest order.

  5. Hi,

    I’d like to invite you to participate in my research: “What Do Bloggers Want to Preserve? Defining the ‘Essence’ of User-Generated Content for Preservation.” This study will gain an understanding of how bloggers value their blogs and what elements bloggers think are important for preservation.

    You are being asked to participate because your blog posts are tagged as being related to the theme of travel in one of the blog-hosting services and because your blog is not hosted by any commercial agency. Your participation is completely voluntary.

    The survey is NOW OPEN and will remain open until midnight (EDT) 20 April 2011. If you are interested and would like to part in take the survey, please visit this URL: http://bloggersurvey.web.unc.edu/

    Thank you in advance for considering participation in my study, and please
    feel free to pass along this survey to others who might be interested!
    Ayoung Yoon
    Doctoral Student
    University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
    School of Information and Library Science

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